Welcome to our blog. After working with many families, we’ve decided to start writing down our knowledge.
Parenting in itself can be very overwhelming. We are both parents, and we have those days where no one wants to listen, everyone is fighting and the house is a wreck.
But then what about when your children have different needs than what you expect, or then what fits into neat little boxes at school? You have to learn a whole new system, a whole new language, and shift your expectations. It’s so so hard.
Our goal here is to cover some of the big and small topics to create actionable ideas for caregivers, special education teachers, and other people involved in raising our children. Some posts may cover your rights within special education, or what to expect with a specific process. Others may provide suggestions of simple changes you can make to your daily routines to improve the quality of life and balance in your home. We also will talk about different needs and suggestions of supports that may help your child in different settings.
We are looking forward to serving you, your family and our community.